Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stories I didn't write up

If I had more time and energy I would write up these:

- Backward Engineering a Highway Conspiracy Theory (I added this on Dec 2 2014)

- The Attempt to Claim Generic Beer as a Health Food

- Grump insults the taciturn trainee

- Foulmouth and I caught in a snowstorm

- Let's Just Delete This Highway to Make a Rhetorical Point

- Why collect this data anyway if it doesn't inform the decision

- The traffic count anomalie at the highway rest area

- They built the road in the wrong place

- The reason the trucks go through .... is they have a trip end there

- Not just NO but H... NO

- If the point is to feel good about the Highway why not just watch Dr. Phil

- Creation of artificial hostile ware

- The wallet-sized selection decider

- The watch sized nomograph

- What do these engineers smoke anyway

- If we can't get clearance any other way, we will declare this historic structure a health hazard and bulldoze it

- My equations vs. Frost-Jurgen's equations

- The DEIS on our marriage

- The components of the constant

- The Maintenance Official takes offense

- The Auditor stays for 4 months

- The Auditor asks for suggestions

- Uh... we already have permission from your office

- That stuff about noise barriers on Triton is actually a joke

- The student who said the room was too cold

- The Woman from "Girls, Inc."

- That's the first warthog I've ever seen mounted

- The vouchers from the previous millennium

- They vanted to know vat vill happen to Moose and Squirrel

- You too can change history (at the Clinton Prez Library & Museum)

- We've worked together in the past and will work together in the future

- Your problem is you wanted the air conditioner to work on a hot day

- A funny acronym story (USNR) (I created a full story and placed it in the full story section on Oct 4 2008)

- We're not just a planning agency; we also control call boxes on the Interstate (i added this story on Dec 2 2014)

- Will this $1M bill make the problem go away

- The pavement distress graph and pavement management

- The airbag does deploy -- so does the oxygen mask

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